On 26 August 2014, Cigui Liu , Administrator of the State Oceanic Administration of China, met with Sang-Kyung Byun, Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO.
At first, Cigui Liu expressed welcome on behalf of the State Oceanic Administration of China to Sang-Kyung Byun to attend the 4th APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Oceans-Related Ministerial Meeting. And then he said that the Chinese government highly stresses the work with IOC. Through the platform of IOC, China expended the cooperation with other marine countries, and the help from IOC for the development of marine programs in China is highly appreciated.
Based on the previous cooperation, SOA will enhance the connection with IOC and provide more support to enlarge the impact of IOC on the ocean-related international fairs. For the cooperation in the future, Liu Cigui expressed 4 important advices. He said that through continuously support for UNESCO/IOC Regional Training Center on Ocean Dynamics and Climate and other related cooperation projects, China will be increasingly involved in the activities of IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC). He hopes that IOC will provide more funds and manpower for WESTPAC to increase the influence of IOC in this region.
Sang-Kyung Byun expressed gratitude for being invited to attend the 4th APEC Oceans-Related Ministerial Meeting and stated that IOC is the only body of United Nations for ocean research and plays an important role in worldwide ocean researches and services. China is one important member of IOC and made great contributions to IOC, especially to WESTPAC. He agrees with Liu’s advices and hope that China will actively participate in formulation and perfection of IOC policy and strengthen the communication and cooperation with other IOC members in maritime.
Related news: http://www.soa.gov.cn/xw/hyyw_90/201408/t20140827_33484.html |
Cigui Liu meets Sang-Kyung BYUN in Xiamen, China
Date: 2014-08-27 18:06 Author: admin Clicks: