On 3 November 2014, the opening ceremony of the fourth training course of UNESCO/IOC-ODC center was held in Qingdao. On behalf of State Oceanic Administration (SOA), Ms. Dongmei Tang (Director, Division of International Organization, Department of International Cooperation, SOA, China) attended this ceremony and gave the opening remarks, who is. Dr. Fangli Qiao (Secretary General of FIO and Director of UNESCO/IOC-ODC center) gave a welcome talk on behalf of the host institute FIO, Dr. Somkiat KHOKIATTIWONG, Chairman of IOC/WESTPAC also attended this ceremony and given a welcome speech and introduced the IOC/WESTPAC. This training course will be focused on climate models and 7 lecturers from USA and China will provide 2 weeks training for 35 trainees from 13 countries (Ecuador, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Ni-Vanuatu, Pakistan, Philippine, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and China). After the short opening ceremony, Prof. Song Yang from School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, China (also NOAA Climate Prediction Center of USA) started the first class of this training course.
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Opening ceremony of fourth UNESCO/IOC-ODC training course
Date: 2014-11-03 09:43 Author: admin Clicks: