Prof.Dave Bi Gave Lecture During Tenth Training Course

 admin     |      2021-07-13 15:24
On the afternoon of 14, July, 2021. Prof. Dave Bi from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia gave lectures on the new generation Australian community climate and earth system simulator coupled model.


Prof. Dave Bi from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia

Prof. Dave Bi provided further information on the ACCESS system. He presented some future developments of ACCESS and shared some experiment results regarding SST and its critical influence on ENSO variability.
Discuss questions
On the afternoon of 13, July, 2021. Prof. Dave Bi from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia gave lectures on the new generation Australian community climate and earth system simulator coupled model. Prof. Dave Bi provided history of climate change research in Australia and presented the recent climate change modelling system ACCESS in details.
 Group Discussion