Prof. Tim Li and Prof.Shang-Ping Xie Gave Lectures During Ni

 admin     |      2019-06-21 14:49
On 21 June, 2019, Prof Tim Li from University of Hawaii, USA gave lectures on MJO dynamics. In his lecture he examined  the Maden-Jullian Oscillation Dynamics (MJO), discussing the global interest to understand its dynamics and to predict its behaviour. 
Prof Tim Li from University of Hawaii, USA
Prof. Shang-Ping Xie from University of California, USA gave lectures on Indo-western pacific ocean capacitor. He discussed the influence of ENSO over the Indo-western Pacific ocean, arguing that ENSO events induces anomalies over that region and that these anomalies are more persistent than SST anomalies, with major effects on summer monsoon over Asia. 

Prof. Shang-Ping Xie from University of California, USA
After the lectures, the trainees attended the activities of Forum for Early Career Scientists, in which Mr.Carvalho Cabral Victor, Ms. Gammaru Anabel, Mr. Thandlam Venugopal, Mr. López Freddy and Mr. Khaskheli Nooruddin reported.

 rainee reports