Prof. Tim Li Gave Lectures During Ninth ODC Training Course

 admin     |      2019-06-20 14:49
On 20 June, 2019, Prof. Tim Li from University of Hawaii, USA gave lectures on the theme of ENSO dynamics. He introduced the basic theories, methods and frontal researches of ENSO instability, amplitude asymmetry, evolution asymmetry, etc. He also highlighted the fundamental mechanism for ENSO growth which is the Bjerkness dynamic ocean-atmosphere feedback. The asymmetries (e.g., strength, evolution) of cold and warm phase of ENSO were also stressed during the lecture. 
 Prof. Tim Li from University of Hawaii, USA
After the lectures, the trainees attended the activities of Forum for Early Career Scientists. Mr. Mamnun Nabir, Mr. Peng Lian , Ms. Sasikumar Keerthi, Ms. Jud Mary Angelina and Mr. Abdillah Muhammad Rais and Mr. Moncayo David gave trainee lectures. 

Trainee reports