Fourth UNESCO/IOC-ODC training course on Climate Models

 admin     |      2014-11-16 09:44
During 3-14 November 2014, the fourth training course of UNESCO/IOC-ODC Center was successfully conducted in Qingdao, China. This training course invited 7 lecturers focused on climate models. There were 35 trainees from 13 countries (Ecuador, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Ni-Vanuatu, Pakistan, Philippine, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and China) attended this training course.
On 3 November 2014, the opening ceremony was held in the meeting room of the 3rd floor of the administration building at FIO. It was chaired by Mr. Yafeng 
Yang  from International Cooperation Center of FIO. On behalf of State Oceanic Administration (SOA) of China, Ms. Tang Dongmei, Director of Division of International Organization, Department of International Cooperation, SOA, attended this ceremony and gave the opening remarks. Dr. Fangli Qiao, Secretary General of FIO and Director of UNESCO/IOC-ODC center, provided a welcome remark on behalf of the host institute of FIO. Dr. Somkiat Khokiattiwong, Chairperson of IOC/WESTPAC was invited to attend this ceremony and gave a welcome speech followed an introduction of the IOC/WESTPAC.
After the opening ceremony, Prof. Yang Song from Sun Yat-Sen University of China, and also NOAA Climate Prediction Center of USA, started the first lecture on climate prediction and large-scale features associated with long-term changes in Asian monsoon and ENSO. Prof. Ronghua Zhang from Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China and also Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), University of Maryland of USA gave lectures on the development of climate models with focus on ocean models and AR5-related research activities. Prof. Fangli Qiao from the First Institute of Oceanography, SOA of China, had lectures on the key roles of surface wave in ocean and climate systems. Prof. Yang Kun from Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences of China, had lectures on land surface processes and modeling. Prof. Luo Yong from Center for Earth System Science/Institute for Global Change Studies, Tsinghua University of China, provided lessons on the evaluation of climate models. Dr. Zhenya Song  from the First Institute of Oceanography, SOA of China, gave lectures on the earth system model. And Dr. Xunqiang Yin  from the First Institute of Oceanography, SOA of China, gave a lecture on data assimilation in ocean and climate models.
In addition to the training activities, there were some special activities, including the trainee report, group discussion and reports. All the trainees were encouraged to give a report including self- introduction and their research activities related to this training course. Trainees were grouped into 5 teams, and each group needed to discuss in class and prepare group reports for the whole training course. Through these arrangements, the enthusiasm of trainees was stimulated and they became familiar with each other quickly. In order to provide more chances for trainees, the trainee reports were chaired by the group leaders in turn.
The ceremony and farewell party were organized in the last evening of the training course. All trainees successfully finished this training course were issued the certificates. And special certificates for group leaders and secretaries were given to those related trainees in recognition of their contribution during this training course. At last, 3 trainees were selected as the best trainee according to their performance in 2 weeks, and special certificates were issued. All the trainees  learned new knowledge, built friendship with each other and spent a very great time in Qingdao.

Opening Ceremony 

Lecturers in the first week 

Lectures in the second week 

Trainee Reports

 Group Discussions

Group Reports 

Farewell Ceremony