Through the provision of annual training courses, workshops and joint research opportunities, the ODC center has witnessed increasingly active exchanges, steadily expanded cooperation areas, and deepened international friendship among participants in the past years. It has been instrumental in developing an early career professional network with the attendance of 670 trainees from 54 countries.
In the context of global epidemic in the recent years, there has been an increasing demand for enhancing interregional exchanges among our trainees. Therefore, the ODC center started to establish the young marine scientists' community to further strengthen regional exchange and coordination, and respond to the call of the Decade Actions for sustainable development of ocean science. Since April 2021, the community has convened the ODC International Forum for Young Marine Scientists on a regular basis and various exchange activities.
Young scholars are welcome to share their achievements and progress, topic include: Oceans, ocean models, ocean dynamics, ocean forecasting, climate and etc.
An analysis of Interannual Relationship between Myanmar Southwest Monsoon (MSwM) and The Oceans
KYAW Than Oo
Ocean Acidification monitoring programme in the DMCR
Chalermrat Sangmanee
UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) & Ocean to climate Seamless Forecasting system (OSF) Programme
Qian Zhao
Fate of the Embayed Beaches on the Muddy and Sandy Coast in China
Abiola John Osanyintuyi
Global Distribution of Wind Stress by Considering Wave-induced Stress
Jing Ren
15 November, 2022 14:00-17:00 CST (GMT+8)
Zoom Meeting number: 83598462625
Passswworld: 20221115
The forum welcomes the participation of previous ODC trainees and is open to anyone who wants to join the network or develop collaborations.
We will appreciate it if you could extend the notice to your colleagues and friends who may be interested.
If you are willing to share your research progress or achievements on this platform, you are highly welcomed to join us.
Ms Jiayi
Your active participation is highly welcome! It is highly welcomed to share your research achievements and progresses as a speaker!