Ocean models are numerical models of ocean properties and their circulation. They play a large role in our understanding of the oceans influence on weather and climate. Data assimilation is a novel, versatile methodology for estimating ocea...
ODC Training Course Programme - 2022
11th ODC training course on Prediction and Projection of Climate 14-20August 2022, Qingdao China Online Time (GMT+8) Topic Speaker/Chair Training material Monday 22 August 2022 08:30-09:00 Registration 09:00-09:40 Introduction to ODC center...
The 11th UNESCO/IOC-RTRC-ODC Training Course on Prediction and Projection of Climate
The 11thUNESCO/IOC-RTRC-ODC Training Course on Prediction and Projection of Climate Hybrid of online and onsite , 15-21 August 2022 The 11th training course in 2022 will focus on Prediction and Projection of Climate . Given the prolonged...