During 7-18 September 2015, the 5th training course of UNESCO/IOC-ODC center was successfully conducted in Qingdao, China. This training course invited 7 lecturers from Italy, USA, Germany and China, which focused on climate change. There were 35 trainees from 16 countries including Bangladesh, Cambodia, DPR Korea, Ghana, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nigeria, Peru, Sudan, Thailand, Tunisia, Vietnam and China attended this training course.
![]() Group Photo
On 7 September 2015, the opening ceremony was held in the meeting room of the 6th floor of the administration building at FIO. It was chaired by Mr. Yafeng Yang from International Cooperation Center of FIO. On behalf of FIO, Dr. Fangli Qiao, Secretary General of FIO and Director of UNESCO/IOC-ODC center, provided a welcome remark. Dr. Somkiat Khokiattiwong, Chairperson of IOC/WESTPAC was invited to attend this ceremony and gave an opening remarks followed an introduction of the IOC/WESTPAC. Ms. Valery Detemmerman, Executive Director of International CLIVAR Project Office, was also invited as an additional sponsor of this training course and provided a welcome speech. At the end of the opening ceremony, Dr. Fangli Qiao had briefly introduced the previous 4 training courses of this center and the arrangements of this year.
After the opening ceremony, Prof. Luigi Cavaleri, who is from Institute of Marine Sciences, Venice, Italy, started the first lecture on the role of wind waves in modulating the fluxes between ocean and atmosphere. Prof. Fangli Qiao from FIO provided lectures on the essential effects of surface waves in the climate system. Prof. Song Yang from School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, China, gave a lecture on the monsoon under climate change. Prof. Zhaohua Wu from Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science, College of Arts and Sciences, Florida State University, USA, gave a lecture on climate variability and change in the tropics. Prof. Kun Yang from Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, gave a lecture on Land-climate interactions. Prof. Annalisa Bracco from School of Earth and Atmospheric Science Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, gave a lecture on the MOC circulation: its representation in climate models and the role of mesoscale and submesoscale variability. And Prof. Detlef Stammer from Oceanography, Remote Sensing of the Earth System and Coupled Climate Assimilation, Universität Hamburg, Germany, gave a lecture on sea level changes and its projections.
On the occasion of this training course, a joint workshop between WCRP/CLIVAR and IOC/WESTPAC had been held focused on “Advancing Ocean Climate Observation and Studies in the Indo-Pacific”. It aims to take stock of previous achievements in ocean observations, modelling and ocean climate studies; build and enhance networks among ocean and climate research communities in the region; exchange strategic directions and further synergize efforts between WESTPAC and CLIVAR by identifying areas of common interest and means of cooperation. All trainees of the ODC training course had been invited to attend this workshop for expanding their views on the front study of climate change.
In addition to the training activities, there were some special activities similar as previous training courses, including the trainee report, group discussion and reports. All trainees were encouraged to give a report to introduce their research activities, which related to the topic of this training course. The trainees had been grouped into 6 teams consisting of 5-7 members each group, each group need to discuss in class and prepare group reports for the whole training course. In order to provide more chances for trainees, a group leader and a group secretary were elected from each group to help the ODC center conduct their respective group discussions and prepare group reports. And the trainee reports had been chaired by the group leaders in turn, which provided more chances for trainees to know each other. Through these arrangements, the enthusiasm of trainees had been much stimulated and they became familiar with each other quickly.
![]() Trainee Reports ![]()
Group Discussion
The completion ceremony and farewell party were organized on the last evening of the training course. Dr. Fangli Qiao (Secretary General of FIO and Director of UNESCO/IOC-ODC center), Wenxi Zhu (Head of IOC/WESTPAC), Prof. Luigi Cavaleri (Institute of Marine Sciences, Venice, Italy), Mr. Jun Feng (Officer of Department of International Cooperation, SOA, China) and all trainees had attended this ceremony. All trainees who had successfully finished this training course were issued the certificates. And special certificates for group leaders and secretaries were given to those related trainees in recognition of their contribution during this training course. At last, 3 trainees who obtained the Best Trainee Award according to their performance during these 2 weeks, had been issued special certificates. All trainees had learned new knowledge, built friendship with each other and spent a very great time in Qingdao.
![]() Issue certification for trainees ![]()
Best Trainee Award
Fifth UNESCO/IOC-ODC training course on Climate Change
Date: 2015-09-20 09:44 Author: admin Clicks: